Monday, May 23, 2011

Where We Are At...

It is interesting to look at the earthquake and the tsunami in terms of where Japan was before the disaster.

The grey areas on the graph show periods where the economic situation was worsening, so 2001-2 and 2008-9.

The triangles show where mining production has been.


The dots show actual exports.

Mining appears to be bouncing back a little, but exports will continue to plummet.

Now the worry is that the international community is going to at least distance itself from Japan's exports, or restrict them in various ways.

The dust has cleared: The JA figures we are looking at another 0 percent growth year. And the needs of the recovery are going to immediately start to bite.

Where does Japan fit with the overheating newly emerging economies and resource economies, and other stagnating developing countries?

Is a free trade agreement in the offing?

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