Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Liberalizing the Rice Trade

More on rice...and starvation.

Of the 4.20 billion people in Asia, 2.70 billion of them use rice as their staple food--just a bit better than 60 percent.

And of the 930 million who do not have enough nutrition in their daily lives, many live in Asia. So a lot of the people who are starving are rice eaters/

Of the people in the monsoon region of Asia, 40 percent of their income goes toward food. Imagine what would happen if the price of rice jumped twofold, and the cost of food jumped twofold. If incomes stayed the same, this group would have to decrease their food intake.

If we go with the calculation in the previous post which assumed that Japan would import seven million tonnes of rice, the undernourished population would increase by 270 million.

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